Volunteer Signup
We have a handy guide for helping with the campaign called “Organizing Here!” available for download.
We’re also working on materials to print, email, text, post, or handout in several different languages. If you have any ideas, please let us know on facebook, or via email. You can also text us or call us at (916) 827-0049.
Volunteer Guide
Volunteer Checklist
Create a personal copy of our “Volunteer Checklist” on Google Sheets with ideas of how you can help by clicking here: Open a Copy in Google Sheets
Keep track of your activities on your copy of the volunteer checklist. The checklist should provide you with a score for how much work you’ve put in. Send an email with your volunteer score to volunteer@jonivy.com, we’ll add up everyone’s scores to see how we’re doing, and we’ll post the top scores on our high score table below.
Top Volunteers (as of October 24, 2019)
Name | City/Town | Score |
Jon Ivy (Yes, he’s filling out the checklist too! See his progress here ) | Elk Grove | 1,050 |